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Would you like to host a fundraiser on behalf of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation?

Wine Tasting Event

In recent years, individuals, clinics, and corporate departments have generously hosted fundraisers to raise money for MVMF’s mission. Turn your next social gathering or work event into a fundraiser with these ideas.

Event themes:

  • Grand Avenue Veterinary Center hosted a Mini Vet School at their clinic and registration fees were donated to MVMF
  • 3M Strategic Sourcing and Packaging Solutions Departments held a Bocce Ball Tournament and the registration fees were donated to MVMF
  • Friends of the MVMF, Gateway Bank, and Wine Market hosted a wine tasting event
  • charitable birthday or retirement party
  • pancake breakfast
  • sports event
  • charitable auction

Here are steps to show you how you can do it.

I. Decide on theme and venue

Get creative with a fun activity and location! What can you reasonably organize given your resources of time, money, and volunteers?

II. Recruit a committee

Volunteers are essential. Set meeting dates and periodic updates far in advance of event. Keep in mind that for many events, the committee members will bring their friends and family to the event so a larger committee can be an effective way to gain more attendees.

Recommended committee member roles:

  • General Coordinator/Event Chair
    This person will recruit committee members and coordinate the event meetings, whether formal or informal. They are essential in encouraging the team, keeping everyone motivated and on task, and pitching in to help wherever needed. In addition, this person may coordinate sending thank you to contributors after the event.
  • Logistics Coordinator
    This person will find a venue and coordinate the logistics for the day of the event, decide on food, coordinate a caterer or food workers, decide on any decorations, coordinate volunteers for the day, and troubleshoot during the event.
  • Marketing Manager
    This person will work with MVMF and through other appropriate means such as sending personal invitations, posting on social media, posting at coffee houses or public places, and developing TV or radio spots. They may also coordinate a photographer for the day, to record the event for the MVMF website.
  • Treasurer
    This person keeps track of the money coming in, and coordinates taking payment the day of the event, if appropriate. If it is a house party, this person will collect checks and cash and will combine those to send one check to MVMF at the end of the event. Two people should count the money and sign off on the proceeds. Additionally, MVMF is happy to help coordinate registration and accepting payment for the event if needed.
  • Sponsorship Coordinator
    If the event involves any sponsorships- either people or companies sponsoring the event with a monetary gift or gift in kind, such as publicity in a newspaper, TV or radio spot, contributed decorations, or food- this person should make a list of prospective donors and contact them to ask for sponsorships. This is usually done for a dinner or sports event, but not required if you are simply asking for donations at the event. Depending on your goal, you should have appropriate sponsorship levels and give the prospects a list of opportunities.

III. Decide on focus for attendees

Is it families? Veterinary professionals? General public? Ask your stakeholders to bring friends, neighbors, and family.

IV. Set the date

Choose a date far enough in advance to give you ample time to prepare and market the event. Be aware of conflicting local, national, MVMA or other veterinary organization events, as well as holidays. You may coordinate your event with a significant date or time of year.

V. Set budget and entry fee

Find out how much the costs will be for the venue, food, invitations, publicity, or decorations. You could charge an entry fee or ask for donations at the event, or both. If you have costs up front, you may be able to find a sponsor to give money ahead of the event to help.

The treasurer may keep track of the fees/contributions and give an accounting to the committee during the planning period and after the event.

VI. Call venues for available times and restrictions

Will you have the event at a closed or open venue? Assign a committee member or two to decide on food, drink, cash or open bar, decorations, MVMF signage and entertainment.

VII. Decide on invitation type

Decide on invitee list. General public? Veterinary professionals? You can invite via postcards, emails, or Eventbrite, Facebook or other social media.

After invitations are out, send confirmations to those already coming and reminders to those who have not yet responded a month, two weeks, one week, and the day before the event. Some people will not be able to decide until the last minute, and others will sign up and then be unable to attend. For some events, more people may come than respond, so be prepared with more food!

VIII. Fundraising success

Total up the money, pay the bills, and send the contributions in one check to a grateful MVMF! Be sure to send along any photos of the event for MVMF’s newsletter and social media.

IX. Thank Yous

After the event is complete, thank your volunteers and attendees via email, notecard, and social media.

Although you will be coordinating the event, MVMF staff will gladly help you with MFMF signage, marketing, and recommendations or questions about organizing an event. Please contact our office to let us know you are considering hosting a fundraiser. Thank you!