Welcome to MVMF
Our Mission
The Mission of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation is to provide scholarships and educational grants to benefit animal health and ensure the future of Veterinary Medicine.
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MVMF Events
The MVMF’s mission is powered by those who participate in, sponsor, and contribute to our annual fundraisers. From golf, to sporting clays, to wine, to winning big in our raffles, supporting the future of veterinary medicine has never been more fun! Save the date for upcoming opportunities to see your friends, family, and colleagues while helping to raise funds for the MVMF.

MVMF Scholarships
Each year, the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation awards over $150,000 in veterinary scholarships. Scholarship selection is based on good academic standing, applicant’s achievements, honors, and leadership experience, financial need, and applicant’s desire to practice veterinary medicine and/or benefit animal health in the state of Minnesota.