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Public Education

Public Education

The Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation recognizes the importance of involving the public in the pursuit of securing the future of veterinary medicine. One way MVMF has engaged the public has been through education at the Minnesota State Fair. MVMF was instrumental in helping launch two up close and personal exhibits: The Miracle of Birth Center and the Surgery Suite.

Miracle of Birth Center

Miracle of Birth Center

The Miracle of Birth Center is the birthplace of more than 200 animals annually, including calves, lambs, chicks, and piglets, during the fair’s 12-day run. Located just east of the Coliseum, the Miracle of Birth Center is the Fair’s most popular free exhibit, serving as a gateway to the historic livestock area.

The exhibit highlights animal agriculture in the state, teaching fairgoers about production, veterinary science, and the birthing process, as well as the vital role veterinary medicine plays in Minnesota’s agriculture. It is staffed by volunteer veterinarians from the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association, veterinary students from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Minnesota, and members of the National FFA organization.

Surgery Suite

Surgery Suite

Companion animal care is also a focus at the Fair. Located in the Pet Center, the Surgery Suite is a way for fairgoers to learn about the importance of veterinary care, and spaying and neutering. Onlookers can observe a live spay or neuter surgery while a moderator describes what the surgeon is doing. A question and answer time after the surgery is a wonderful way for people of all ages to learn about why spaying and neutering is important, and be inspired by the work veterinarians and technicians do.